poniedziałek, 24 stycznia 2011

Playing toursists

Can you be still a tourist in the city that you live for 4 months now. Apparently the answer is: YES !!! One of those sunny days in Porto, when me and Artemis found out that swimming pool is closed, we decided to enjoy the life of toursits. So we took our cameras, cause japanese syndrome took controle over us ;P We went in direction of river without any specific route - in hope to discover new nice places. Like always Porto welcomed us with its destroyed buildings all over city center, but it is the charm of this city now xD 
We started our trip with warning from two policemen that for taking pictures of them we can get to prison. There weren't too nice, for two toursits like ma and Artemis. But despite of this we continued our journey.
I don't have to tell how tiring is walking in Porto - always up or down, up and down ... Kingdom for a flat area there :P At least it is good exercise for poor polish that is used to walk only in flat neighbour xD

This time from up to down

Charming narrow street of Porto
During our trip we even got to the other side of the river, to enjoy the view of Porto from Gaia. And for good ending we played a bit at the playground for kids. I almost killed myself when I tried to get out from one of this traps for kids. Artemis had a lot of fun xD After this we took subway and tired but proud from ourselves went back home. 

Cloudy sky above Porto

Still on Porto side

View from Gaia

Trap fro kids xD
After we got home, it started to rain really hard for next few days :| Rainy weather is also this charm of this city...
Live long and prosper :)

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