niedziela, 23 stycznia 2011

Nights at Breiner xD

So exams' season is already behind me (at least I hope so), and I can relax a bit. Unfortunately I'm sick, so all my plans of my Erasmus adventures is for now postponed. I'm on my liquid diet - I eat food for kids, that is one of the most disgusting things I've ever tried.
But before I visited hospital in Porto, I can say that I enjoyed my time despite the fact that most of the nights I spend at Breiner House. Acutally this is a place, where people are coming to have fun, so I don't have to go out. This is one of advantages of our house - if you want a party at the house, usually you will always find someone that will drink with you. With small exception - when you want to drink in the afternoon - then sorry babe, you will get drunk alone. Not that I've ever was drinking alone and stuff like that ...
But anyway recently there is party every single night ... People screaming at the corridors in the middle of the night before day of your exams is very normal thing here :| But I didn't started this post to complain :P I started writing to tell about Anna's Goodbye Party. Anna - daughter of my wife - Artemis, and also semi Breiner ;D It was sad to say goodbye with her. But I hope that we will all see each other eventually (I'm sure we will :)).
And because one picture speaks for 1000 words, here you have 4000 words in 4 pictures:

Words of truth
Double A

Triple A with brasilian smiles

Anna, brasilians and one polish wanna be brasilian xD
Actually Anna had two parties. One was suprise, and the second one took place on her last night in Porto. During both parties we were chilling out in the chill out room. Drinking, talking, joking and just enjoying the moment. On the second party my throat started to hurt - this is the begining of my sickness and my liquid diet xD But anyway it was worth it !!!
Miss you Anna :) My almost daughter :P

While waiting for my next post:
Live long and prosper

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