poniedziałek, 31 stycznia 2011

Trip to Viana do Castelo :D

So as I'm now free like a bird, no courses, no exams - I can finally travel a bit. Cause sitting at Breiner House is a real pleasure, and playing online games never gets boring - me and my wife have planned some trips for February. And that is how we went to Viana do Castelo. Our journey joined - So Phia and her friend Julia :D
So crazy girls (us) met at the Sao Bento and took train to our destination. We got there without any problem :) The city is small, bur really charming. The historical center maybe is not so impressing, but still worth seeing.

Historical Center of Viana do Castelo

Some fontain :P
And of course later we went to the beach, that just is to put it simply: AMAZING  and BEAUTIFUL. I didn't want to leave that paradise, despite the fact that weather was really windy and it was cold :|

I have to find a house with a view like this one xD

The ocean xD
After we got enough cold, we went to asian restaurant :P We had our meal, and then decided that we also need cup of coffee or hot chocolate :) We ended ordering hot chocolate that despite that it was really small (and we ordered big) was delicious.

Dinner :P

Hot chocolate :)
And then as girls we went to the shopping mall, and did small shopping :P Of course, we also bought some postcards and stuff like that. When our legs went on strike, we decided to go back home. So we took train, and then when controler came - to our suprise he told us that we were not in the to Porto xD We were on our way to Spain !!! So we quickly got out, and waited on the next station for the train that we should have got on. 
Luckily tired, but still happy we got home. To take shower, and join the party at Breiner House ;) But about that I will write another time. I'm going to get some sleep xD
Live long and prosper :P

niedziela, 30 stycznia 2011

I'm older xD

This year I celebrated my birthday in Porto, not like always in Poland ;P So this year I didn't drink vodka with my friends in dormitory xD This year no one left suprises in toilets like after last year party (cheers to Magda) xD Despite the fact that sometimes I do miss drinking vodka and cytrynówka, I decided to drink wine as I'm in Portugal.
The party was combination of my birthday party and Lindsay goodbye party (cheers to Lindsay that is now in France). So we celebrated it by first going to sushi restaurant.  Like one friend said, cause we came to Portugal to eat sushi and other asian food - not bacalhau, not francesinha, but sushi ;D Almost 20 (!!!) people entering restaurant scared the crap out of people working there. Well, they had to work hard to make enough food for us xD

Hungry people

With wife ;D
After we ate all we could, we paid and went back home to drink ;D House was full of people. To find place to sit, it was almost like finding parking spot in Porto center - impossible. At midnight of portuguese time, my friends song for me in their mother's languages ;P I was really happy at that moment. That is why I recorded it - my new thing to blackmail people !!! 

Flying Alvarinho xD

With Lindsay and some greek girl :P

Chill out room

Few minutes after midnight also Liliana came with the cake for me ;D So I got two cakes for birhtday :D So I got two birthday cake, not counting one that I got in December when I was still in Poland. The party was amazing for me. Too bad that I couldn't drink so much because of taking antibiotics. To tell the truth that one bottle of wine plus those pills made me really happy (or should I say: drunk :)).

Lili and Catarina
Birthday cakes ;D

Next day I woke up late to eat for breakfast my cakes ;D They were delicious. The rest day I spent on playing computer games, cause I got fever and my throat gave me again hard time - luckily I was able to eat this time. To sum up I enjoyed my time :D And I would like to say all people that sent me wishes, BIG BIG THANK YOU :*
Live long and prosper :D

poniedziałek, 24 stycznia 2011

Playing toursists

Can you be still a tourist in the city that you live for 4 months now. Apparently the answer is: YES !!! One of those sunny days in Porto, when me and Artemis found out that swimming pool is closed, we decided to enjoy the life of toursits. So we took our cameras, cause japanese syndrome took controle over us ;P We went in direction of river without any specific route - in hope to discover new nice places. Like always Porto welcomed us with its destroyed buildings all over city center, but it is the charm of this city now xD 
We started our trip with warning from two policemen that for taking pictures of them we can get to prison. There weren't too nice, for two toursits like ma and Artemis. But despite of this we continued our journey.
I don't have to tell how tiring is walking in Porto - always up or down, up and down ... Kingdom for a flat area there :P At least it is good exercise for poor polish that is used to walk only in flat neighbour xD

This time from up to down

Charming narrow street of Porto
During our trip we even got to the other side of the river, to enjoy the view of Porto from Gaia. And for good ending we played a bit at the playground for kids. I almost killed myself when I tried to get out from one of this traps for kids. Artemis had a lot of fun xD After this we took subway and tired but proud from ourselves went back home. 

Cloudy sky above Porto

Still on Porto side

View from Gaia

Trap fro kids xD
After we got home, it started to rain really hard for next few days :| Rainy weather is also this charm of this city...
Live long and prosper :)

niedziela, 23 stycznia 2011

Nights at Breiner xD

So exams' season is already behind me (at least I hope so), and I can relax a bit. Unfortunately I'm sick, so all my plans of my Erasmus adventures is for now postponed. I'm on my liquid diet - I eat food for kids, that is one of the most disgusting things I've ever tried.
But before I visited hospital in Porto, I can say that I enjoyed my time despite the fact that most of the nights I spend at Breiner House. Acutally this is a place, where people are coming to have fun, so I don't have to go out. This is one of advantages of our house - if you want a party at the house, usually you will always find someone that will drink with you. With small exception - when you want to drink in the afternoon - then sorry babe, you will get drunk alone. Not that I've ever was drinking alone and stuff like that ...
But anyway recently there is party every single night ... People screaming at the corridors in the middle of the night before day of your exams is very normal thing here :| But I didn't started this post to complain :P I started writing to tell about Anna's Goodbye Party. Anna - daughter of my wife - Artemis, and also semi Breiner ;D It was sad to say goodbye with her. But I hope that we will all see each other eventually (I'm sure we will :)).
And because one picture speaks for 1000 words, here you have 4000 words in 4 pictures:

Words of truth
Double A

Triple A with brasilian smiles

Anna, brasilians and one polish wanna be brasilian xD
Actually Anna had two parties. One was suprise, and the second one took place on her last night in Porto. During both parties we were chilling out in the chill out room. Drinking, talking, joking and just enjoying the moment. On the second party my throat started to hurt - this is the begining of my sickness and my liquid diet xD But anyway it was worth it !!!
Miss you Anna :) My almost daughter :P

While waiting for my next post:
Live long and prosper

niedziela, 16 stycznia 2011

Day in Coimbra xD

After few months of planning visiting Ola and always postponing it, finally me and David (aka peanut shell brain boy) managed to go to Coimbra. Well, I have to say that this time it was the last chance cause Ola next week is going back to Poland.
So on Saturday morning I woke up and waited for always (ALWAYS) late David. Anyway when he arrived, we took direction to Coimbra. It was a nightmare - listening to David all long hour. And when we reached Coimbra, we got lost. Going around every rondo few times was normal, but he was like "we are not lost" xD Yeah, we were. But luckily finally we found right place. And from that moment I wasn't alone in suffering from David's company :P
First thing we did was eating breakfast, then David like a kid loved a big bear. Ola showed us the city. The almost empty city during a day. I could see easily that this is a city where are living students ;) Ola alone said "what to do in Coimbra at 1 pm during the weekend?" and then she was silent xD I guessed that at that hour everyone in Coimbra was sleeping and resting after hard night life. 

A BEAR in Coimbra


Nice door in Coimbra

A place for a break

Garden in Coimbra
So in Coimbra I saw few nice buildings and two parks :D and of course Ola's place. Around 6 pm we decided to go back to Porto. Ola had that night a party with her supervisor, I had a party at my house, and David - well it is better not to know what he had planned for that evening.
Live long and prosper :)

poniedziałek, 10 stycznia 2011

New Year's Eve :D

I came back to Porto 2 days before New Year's Eve :P The most suprising was the warm weather and how empty was Breiner House. There were only few of us, so house felt really quiet. But it didn't bother us so much, cause even when there are only couple of us, we have great time all together :D
So during New Year's Eve party we were drinking, talking and in general enjoying our company. Party took place in out Chill out room, where as a table worked bench ;P 

Out table ;)

Breiner team
Before midnight we went to Aliados to see fireworks. We waited with Portuguese people till midnight, to wish each other all the best in coming year. And again we were drinking ;P When fireworks ended we went back home to continue there party. However because of the journey back to Portugal and my general laziness, I wanted to go to bed around 2 am. but the call of my friend - Andre that said that he is coming with his friends, made me change my mind. But of course I made one big mistake - I trusted a Portuguese :P This asshole didn't show up :P So instead of ending party at 2 am, I went to bed at 4 am ;D

At Aliados

Aliados is going to burn :D
Next day I woke up late - nothing suprising :) And was celebrating 1st of January by wearing my pyjama all day long :P
And now live long and prosper :)

środa, 5 stycznia 2011

True winter ;P

My last post was about my one day trip to Milan. This time it will be about my almost two weeks christmas break at home :P Home - I mean Poznań and Wągrowiec (my hometown). So I landed it Poznań and my parents were waiting for me !!! I was really happy to see them :)
First impression about the weather in Poland - well, it was white and cold. I am saying it was really cold - around -12 degrees. Because of that my 60 km way to home took almost 2 hours. The road was so icy that my dad was drivinng (with Good Lord) 20 km/h and when he was stopping the car it was going on its own for 1 or 2  meters. But we reached home eventually - and there was waiting for me good food, and of course my younger sister (yeah, my parents lied to me that she went to Poznań to see with her friends instead of meeting her sister that she didn't see me for almost 4 months, so I was really suprised in a very good way :)). Obviously I had to tell everything about Porto and my Erasmus - do you like it, how are you living there and other stuff like that. I spent all the weekend at home - and guess what - inside of my house was +25 degrees so I could walk around the house with shorts and tshirt, unlike in Porto :P 

My favourite cup and cheesecake :D

River in Wągrowiec

Crossing of two rivers (Nielba and Wełna)

From left to right: lake, path, part of park. Just in case if you could not say what is what :P

On Monday I went to Poznań to deal with the stuff at uni, do some shopping and meet with friends. The funniest part was, when I went to dean office and I wanted to sign for supervisor of my master thesis and the lady asked me about what is my specialization, and I was like: "I don't know. I don't remember"!!! Luckily she only laughed :P After that, I was going around the city taking some pictures, then I had ZAPIEKANKA WITH KEBAB in Roti :P 
In the afternoon I met with Anna Dominika. We had warm wine :D and we talked a lot. I think I heard all the gossips about all the Erasmus that are now in Poznań. I really enjoyed my time with her. So much that I was late for next meeting that I had with Magda, Monika and Kuba. Well, they were a bit angry with me. They welcomed me with the words: You know this is not Portugal, in Poland you are coming on time :P But they welcomed me nicely with cytrynówka xD But I drank only two shots, and then I had REDDS. How I missed that beer :( But it was again time of telling about the Porto, catching up how are my friends' lives going on :D And again I had great time. 

Old Market Square in Poznań

My beloved sight after coming back from parties

Zapiekanka with kebab xD

Unfortunately after that one day in Poznań I went back to Wągrowiec, and showed up in Poznań only to go take my plane to Porto. 
What I have to say that I had true white Christams with people I care about, I met my good friends (when I will go back to Poland for good after Erasmus for sure I will meet more of them :P), and I miss them already. Because now I'm stucked in Porto for good 7 months without a hope to escape before.
Live long and prosper.