piątek, 22 października 2010

Tough time :P

Well, I didn't write a lot, casue there was nothing special going on :| Monday was like always Ribeira night :P It was really cold, and windy this time. Soo cold that I went home early like never before. But anyway I enjoyed it like always ;D But I decided that is time to buy warmer clothes, and gloves, and a had. I would never thought that I will need stuff like that in Portugal :P

Drinking team

With my cold drink
On Tuesday I was doing ... well, to say the truth nothing. I came back from my portuguese course at 9 pm, so I was tired. After eating, I was just hanging around without any special purpose :)
On Wensday was Artemis name day, so we celebrated it by going out to drink a bit. We went to some pub at Galerias. We ordered our favourite drinks - in my case - Blackiroska xD My neighbours laugh a lot when at house, I go to the fridge and take my Rodanov, and cheap version of Sprite, and drink it. And then I show my black tangue. Well, I have houndres of pictures of people with black tangues because of Rodanov. But again I didn't stay to long, cause next day I had courses in the morning, and then planned trip.
Thursday - Aveiro trip :D Me, Lindsay, and Charlotte went to Aveiro. The city is really nice. Plenty of green spots, plenty of water because of the cannal :D We really enjoyed it. The weather was nice, really sunny, people were nice. There was nothing more to ask about.
When we arrived, we walked, then we were resting a bit while watching seagull eating its lunch (fish). After that we bought a tickets for city sightseeing and ride in the barge.

With sweet little boy

We had no idea what was that

Part of the campus of University in Aveiro

In Museum Marítimo de Ìlhavo

Our bus :D

Sé Catedral de Aveiro

One of the streets in Aveiro

Bridge in Aveiro

We had a ride in this :D

Again nice street in Aveiro
We came back around 8 pm, as far as I remember. We went to a restaurant, to eat our dinner. Then we got back to our house, again I hang around without purpose but this time cause I was really tired :D
I was really happy to visit this place. And next week is Lisbon :P Can't wait to go there :D

Live long and prosper.

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