piątek, 29 października 2010

‎"Uhhh... you touched ma tralala! Ma ding ding dooong!!!"

So I'm after second night of concerts ;D Completly tired, with completly dirty room :P Thanks to my guests - Lili and André, my room looks like bomb exploded in my room. But the night was great !!! However again, my life is threatened, so I can't show picture of what was going on in my place.
But let me write what happened from the start. First we had lovely dinner before the concert, then we went to the place of concert but it was pretty early so we moved to my house. Around midnight we took off to Gunther concert. And it was awesome!!! We were jumping, we were singing with the guy and his sunshines ;D I had no idea that he is so popula in Portugal. I remember that he was famous in Poland when I was teenager - and it was few years ago xD
So me, Liliana, André, and also Joel, and also João (that was working that night and not only that nigth, but all the FEUP week ;P) had great time ;D

Before the concert ;d

João at his workplace

Poor polish girl in this picture

We had fun xD
Now, I'm listening to Gunther ;D "Uhh... you touched my tralala! My ding ding dong !!!"

So live long and prosper ;D Now I'm going to rest a bit, cause tonight I have party in my house, and tomorrow morning I'm going to Lisbon ;D Cross fingers for me cause I will need some super powers to survive this ;D

czwartek, 28 października 2010

Homens da Luta ;D

So now I'm enjoying my free week of courses thanks to Arraial Engenharia :D So there is no courses, there is no portuguese lessons. There is pure laziness, contentment, and enjoyment xD Last night I went to the concert organized because of the FEUP week. In the begining I wasn't sure if I want to go, but now after this show I would regret not going ;P It was just PERFECT !!! The band - perfect, the crowd - perfect, the atmosphere - perfect ;D What wasn't so perfect was the guy standing near me that took off his shirt - in that moment I wanted to rip out my eyes. I truly wanted to be blind that moment :| Something like that will be the reason of my nightmares for a looooong time...
But starting from the begining - me and Artemis of course showed up too early - I don't know but portugueses are just from different time universe... But anyway with good company the time just flies. So we waited, and thanks to that had front row places :P First played band called: Lalapito. There were funny students that were wearing diapers :D I think that their mothers weren't happy that their sons stole sheets from home :P But they did what they were supposed to do - they warmed up the crowd. Just funny guys that enjoyed being on the stage. Next one - well to put in the fastest possible way - let's just skip them. To tell the truth - I didn't liked their show. They were strange. During their show, I was like: "Go home, just end it, please". 
But after them - HOMENS DA LUTA came on stage !!! It was fantastic. Guys are truly showmen :D They were dressed up cool. And you could see easily that they like what they do. Probably that is the reason why they made the crowd go crazy without any problem!!! Even I don't understanding most of the things, had problem talking later cause I was shouting so loud xD My legs hurted a lot, Artemis legs and back as well ;D But I think it was worth it ;D If I will have again chance to see them, for sure I will come again.


Waiting for the main star of the night

Real showman ;D

He really enjoyed his time on stage

Homens da Luta
What I could change - well, what me and Artemis noticed was the fact that most likely we were the only Erasmus student :P And that's a shame, cause it is really great event ;D
Another thing - where were all those cute guys that I pass at my facutly and make me say: "I'm in heaven" ?! For sure not at the concert :P But anyway, once more I enjoyed it a lot !

Live long and prosper

piątek, 22 października 2010

Tough time :P

Well, I didn't write a lot, casue there was nothing special going on :| Monday was like always Ribeira night :P It was really cold, and windy this time. Soo cold that I went home early like never before. But anyway I enjoyed it like always ;D But I decided that is time to buy warmer clothes, and gloves, and a had. I would never thought that I will need stuff like that in Portugal :P

Drinking team

With my cold drink
On Tuesday I was doing ... well, to say the truth nothing. I came back from my portuguese course at 9 pm, so I was tired. After eating, I was just hanging around without any special purpose :)
On Wensday was Artemis name day, so we celebrated it by going out to drink a bit. We went to some pub at Galerias. We ordered our favourite drinks - in my case - Blackiroska xD My neighbours laugh a lot when at house, I go to the fridge and take my Rodanov, and cheap version of Sprite, and drink it. And then I show my black tangue. Well, I have houndres of pictures of people with black tangues because of Rodanov. But again I didn't stay to long, cause next day I had courses in the morning, and then planned trip.
Thursday - Aveiro trip :D Me, Lindsay, and Charlotte went to Aveiro. The city is really nice. Plenty of green spots, plenty of water because of the cannal :D We really enjoyed it. The weather was nice, really sunny, people were nice. There was nothing more to ask about.
When we arrived, we walked, then we were resting a bit while watching seagull eating its lunch (fish). After that we bought a tickets for city sightseeing and ride in the barge.

With sweet little boy

We had no idea what was that

Part of the campus of University in Aveiro

In Museum Marítimo de Ìlhavo

Our bus :D

Sé Catedral de Aveiro

One of the streets in Aveiro

Bridge in Aveiro

We had a ride in this :D

Again nice street in Aveiro
We came back around 8 pm, as far as I remember. We went to a restaurant, to eat our dinner. Then we got back to our house, again I hang around without purpose but this time cause I was really tired :D
I was really happy to visit this place. And next week is Lisbon :P Can't wait to go there :D

Live long and prosper.

niedziela, 17 października 2010

Paint my world black, baby ;D

So last time I was complaining about lack of the time, and to tell the truth my situation didn't change at all. And I don't see the end of that, casue those teachers are starting to talk about tests ... TESTS !!! I don't know, but probably I did something really bad in my life, so now I suffer like that :|
But anyway, usually after my courses I get back home, and do some homework, and then bed... LOL likely usually, it doesn't mean that always :D
So Friday - well it was really sad day for me... It was my sister birthday... And for the first time for long, long years we weren't celebrating it together. So Friday was a shitty day. For the first time I felt really lonley in Porto :( But as I promised her, I had my drink for her health. Again Rodanov as you can probably guess... xD
Saturday - well, I overslept my course for 2 hours !!! But the course had 5 hours, so I was on time for the next 3 hours :D I have to say that it was the best one so far. The teacher was speaking in portuguese, but I could understand was she was saying !!! I was really proud of myself. And what more people in that lesson were really nice and friendly. So I'm not complaining too much, that I will have to wake up at 6 am next Saturday again... Around 1 pm the lesson ended, and I went back to home, did some small shopping, did homework, and went to the kitchen... and there was almost no one. My house was abandoned !!! Both figuratively and literally!!! I've never seen this house so empty. It was sad day. In search for company I moved all my stuff to study in the kitchen. I've spent the evening in front of my computer, my company was Lindsay with her computer. So both of us were sitting next to each other, with our laptops in front of us, and bottles of Rodanov and cheap version of Sprite next to us :P Sad view :P 
But luckily later the house started to fill with people. So I drunk half of the bottle of my black vodka, around 2 am we went out ... We got to some pub, where I discovered my new love - blackiroska :D OMG - the taste - I don't know what I should say ... I was in heaven :D
Night was cold, so we went back home early, I don't remember the hour. Before going to my bed, I look at myself in the mirror, showed my tangue - it was black!!! Even brushing my teeth didn't help at all to remove this colour ;D Well, what I thouth that moment - You did a good job today, I'm proud of you Ania ;D
btw I was celebrating my one month in Breiner House ;D I moved there on the 16th of September :D

Me and Lindsay with our computer and black vodkas :D

Finally some people in hour house


Me and my new love xD

Rosie is not going to get our drinks ;D
ps. João Rodrigues, if you read that, you have to know that we will have a serious conversation :P

środa, 13 października 2010

Cause I'm studious book warm and cultural Erasmus ;d

Monday - 12 hours, Tuesday - 11 hours, and today Wednesday - probably 11 hours. And this is not amount of hours I sleep every night. Those hours show how much time I spend at my lovely university ;D HELL YEAH !!! This is what we call erasmus life ;P Projects, homeworks, and presentations - how I love this... But anyway I still try to enjoy my life as erasmus just a bit, not so wild like I wish I could spend it, but at least I try ;D
So on Monday I came back home around 10 pm, rested for around 1 hour, and then went to Ribeira. Monday without baldes there is not Monday at all...


Hard working erasmus

My perfect portuguese guy ;D

He is just so crazy like me xD
So as you can see in the pictures, I found my perfect portuguese guy. He is a bit cold, but I hope that my polish temperament will warm him up ;D
As for Tuesday - again I spent all day long at university. Got home around 9 pm, had 10 minutes to prepare myself to go out. Yesterday ESN Porto organized cinESN - what does it mean? Well, they are showing poor erasmus students movies for free :P Of course, portuguese movies... but with subtitles ;D I really enjoyed it. The movie was shown at Galerias de Paris. The title of that movie wss Jaime. What I can say about movie itself? I really liked it. A bit bitter for a while, a bit sweet sometimes... Of course I encourage everyone to watch it to find out how good it is.

With my neighbours

I really like the look of the place

Wanted to steal those posters ;)
What I loved about the place was also inside look. It was really cook as you can see in photos :P I really hope that there will be more evenings like that, cause I'm very CULTURAL Erasmus ;D

Live long and prosper ;D

niedziela, 10 października 2010

Saturday Night - out from the house ;D

Last Saturday was really nice :D The sun showed up in Porto, so I could wear my sunglasses again. I went to do some small shopping, casue the bag for my laptop didn't survive daily trips to university :P So I bought a backpack, and few other stuff :P
Here are the pics, that prove that there is autumn in Porto already (but it is not so nice probably like in Poland)

Porto in October

Love this view :D

After shopping I had really nice lunch with other people from my house ;D We talked a lot - like always. Had some drinks (3 pm) - or maybe only I had some drinks ;)
But main event of Saturday was Liliana's Graduation Party :D It was really, really nice party. I had a chance to meet erasmus from Poznań from previous semester: Liliana, Joel, João, Rui (only one missing was André). It is always great time for me when I see with them :D We started in small restaurant that you pay 12 euro, and you can eat as much as you want, and drink as much as you want :D So we were eating, and drinking a lot :D
And around 1 am we went out, and decided to drink at Piolho. So we took bottles filled with Sangria with us xD At the place we met other friends, so our group of drunk people increased :D There was lots of singing, lots of laughing, lots of jokes, lots of memories from Poland, and lots of drinking :P When we had enough of staying outside, we decided to go to the club. But I don't remember the name of it :P For me party ended around 5 am :) I went back to my place, fell asleep immediately, woke up after 2 pm :P So now I'm enjoying my Sunday...

Good girls all together :D

We are a little bit crazy, but who cares...

At Piolho

Stick together team - well almost all of us...

Inside the club

Saying "bye" to João and Joel

sobota, 9 października 2010

One month ;D

So yesterday I looked at my agenda, and discovered amazing thing - that it was 8th of October. And my thought was: "Oh, shit... One month ago bald guy picked me up from airport ;D One month ago I was drunk in Porto." And now considering the time I'm writing this post: "Oh, shit... One month ago I woke up with horrible hangover..."
So what I did yesterday... Well, to tell the truth nothing so special - went to gym, was studying, spent three hours at portuguese course :P But, I found out that it was my one month anniversery - late in the evening :P I have an excuse for not drinking all the day long. But next month - who knows...
So what I did to celebrate this lovely event - put out my bottle of black voda, and sth like sprite from my fridge, and started to drink ;D I didn't go out, cause weather in Porto is shitty now. Raining all days long :| Even my leather shoes didn't manage to survive this rain... Damn...
But anyway here are the pics from yesterday night ;D Today luckily I didn't wake up with hangover, but I can assure you that I went to my bed with drunk smile on my face :D

My cheap black vodka from Pingo Doce

As you can probably guess - me drinking black vodka

A prove of my presence at Breiner House. Arrived in Porto - 08.09.2010. Moved to Breiner - 16.09.2010

Well, I was in artistic mood...

Me on the ceiling ;D

wtorek, 5 października 2010

Craziness ...

Craziness ... With only this one word I can describe my last night :D It started my day normally - I had some courses (or not, cause my teachers like to send me back home ;P), then I wrote portugueses test again... For moment I will stay with my portuguese course :D Well, this one is for FEUP (my faculty in Porto), so it is for free for me !!! The test itself wasn't sooooo hard, but I have to say there was stuff that I didn't know before :/ However, I went out from the test with the smile on my face. And knowing life, I will be moved to the beginners level. But about that I will find out on Friday. So till then I want to live in my happy imaginery world.
So after the test I came back to Brainer house. I had delicious dinner, that I made by myself. It was even good. Rice with onion, chicken, salad, and mine part of my meal - cheap, shitty wine from Pingo Doce :D
After that again with the smile on my face (probably because of the wine) we went all together to Ribeira. And ... I have to say that I've never in my life seen so overcrowded place. It was nightmare to wait near the bar. Luckily I'm quite small person, so I managed to snik into the crowd and order ... black vodka with sprite :) I don't know if I said already that I love that drink. So I'm doing it now - I LOVE black vodka with sprite !!! I really like when my has blue tongue because of it.

We love blue colour :D
On the way to Seventy Seven
Ribeira that night was so overcrowded that we decided to move on, and go to Seventy Seven. I had some beers there, and then unexpected started. I got the message from Andre - "Ribeira". After some attempts to talk in the noisy streets. I betreyed my neighbours, and went back to Ribeira. When I got there, I heard - "Ania, we are going to your house to destroy it". So we went to my house... But first we had to refill our bellies with alcohol. Piolho - I had again black vodka with sprite :D After that we aimed for my house. Most of the people was already sleeping. But it wasn't problem for Andre, and Liliana - we made our own party. I just have to tell, that today my friend was asking me what opera song my friend was singing :P The result for me of that night - I woke up in the room that stinked with alcohol (Andre knocked down some bottles with beer), the floor in my room was like a glue (the result of spilled beer), and on the floor was sleeping snoring alien (read = Andre), and my toe was hurting a lot. In the beginning was blue, now is more like purple :| We woke up, went to eat fransezinha (now I know that the souce makes the difference between good fransezinha and the bad fransezinha :P). And this is what we saw on our way to subway ;D Unfortunately I was kindly asked to not publish pictures from house party, and I love my life so I agreed to not to show them to the public :P

Shameless students ...

Today, I was planning to go out, but I went to bed at around 7 am, so I'm kinda tired. Well, now I'm ending my shitty, cheap white wine, my smile is back, and I'm thinking about beer ;)

Live long and prosper,
Future AA member - Ania

sobota, 2 października 2010

No time to study :P

I started my Friday really early, I woke up around 8 am, so I could go to the gym. This was my second day ;D People working there are really nice to me :) When I entered the building, the reception lady already knew my name :P The same is for the professor ;D He is really helpful, he explains everything, and he is not letting me to rest - "Oh Ania so now you're going to work on these muscles, and then you will do this..." So today my legs hurt a bit, but I will not complain. After two hours at the gym, I decided to not take a subway on my way back, cause a day before I was really amazed by the view from bridge that the metro cross ... so I wanted to take some pictures, that you can see here ;D

Porto view seen from Gaia
After that trip, I had some time to rest ... And then me, Artemis, and Daniel decided to go to the meeting in Reitoria. It was a meeting for Erasmus students from all faculties. To tell the truth, the place was overcrowded, it was incredibly hot, and noisy inside :P So luckily this reception wasn't too long. There were some welcome words from vice rector of UP, and then ESN Porto and BRASUP presented themselves. Nothing special, again ... The nice touch was point, were the name of the country was said aloud, and all the people from that country were supposed to make some noise. And again the main point was a free treat at the end of the meeting :P There was wine tasting :D

Reception at Reitoria
Of course I was the first one to taste wine :D
Chilling out after the meeting ;D
In the evening, we started getting ready to get to the party ;D We had great time in our house. So great that we went out around 1 am :P So we were a little bit late for ESN party, cause it started at midnight. The party took place in club called Tradition. My feeling about that party? Well, it wasn't the worst party, but it wasn't the best. It was just OK. And this is opinion of most people I asked about the party. But anyway I had good time, so I don't want to complain too much ;D

Table in my house during a party ;D
Star of the night - homeless guy sleeping while standing
Group of crazy girls :D
Next day (so today) I woke up at 2 pm, and at 3 pm I went for Brazilian barbecue ;D There was plenty of food, plenty of drinks, and plenty of Erasmus ;D It was really nice to chill out, talk with people, meet friends, eat good food ... Unfortunately, the weather wasn't so nice, so now I'm here writing this blog ;P

At the Grandma's house :D
Btw my idea to go to the gym was after all stupid idea :( Now I can feel that I have muscles. I can hardly walk ... Even when I'm sitting I feel pain in my legs ... Ah portuguese food, if I didn't love you so much, I wouldn't have to go to the gym ...
Now, I'm in my room, listening to SIA's happy songs, and slowly preparing to start studying :D