środa, 9 marca 2011

And for today's menu we have - Ribeira !!!

So new semester started, new Erasmus are arriving :P And all of newies are like: Have you heard about Ribeira? Is it on Monday? And for us - oldies Erasmus is like: Shut up!!! - you make us feel really old :| I have like hundreds pictures with black tongues or us just hanging around there xD Last semester it was like: MUST BE of every Monday - well till it wasn't too cold to go there :P And it is still too cold - but when Erasmus is going back to home - the last Monday is Ribeira night !!! And on the last day of February it was night of: Artemis, Angelina, Mieke and Giorgio !!!

Ribeira view
Drinking company
Poland vs Greece
With Artemis we went there to drink black vodka :P But it was really cold, so we decided to go back - but on our way up we met our friends that decided for us that we are going back downt to Ribeira. But first we had to try some kind of shot that tasted like cough medicine (but still good) :P Thank you for that to Mieke and her portuguese friends :P

Article about that strange drink :P
For us !!
After that, we went back to Ribeira where we rocked !!! xD

Wives !!!
Oldies and one newie :P
Oldies only :P
Artemis, Giorgio and some Greek girl (aka Angelina) :P
Crazy :P
I was a bit cold :P
It was really cold (like you can see in the last picture), but we had great fun all together !!! And I want us all to meet again - miss you guys !!!
Live long and prosper (Partouza forever!!!) xD

wtorek, 8 marca 2011

Heaven on Earth :D

One of the things I really missed in Porto, are nice pastry shops :P Of course you can find nice cafetarias, but it is not the same xD But finally after six months in Porto - I found it - my private, personal heaven - Boulangerie de Paris :D btw now - I have to say big "THANK YOU" to Lili for telling me about that place !!!

Inside :D

I was really happy :D
So me, Artemis and Frederica went there :D I really had hard time deciding what to order, cause everything looked so delicious :P

My personal heaven :D

Yumi things :D

I ordered three small cakes and galão - and after that my belly was full :|

My sweets xD
Sweet Monster :P
After meal xD
My belly was really full but I was still happy :P So when we finished, we rolled back to Breiner House at the end of our afternoon xD
Live long and prosper with full bellies xD

środa, 2 marca 2011

Serralves :)

On last Friday I went with Artemis to Serralves :P It is one of not so many green spots in Porto (unfortunately). I always wanted to go there, and asked Artemis join me and of course she said yes :P So on Monday after my courses (from which I escaped, and then teacher sent me and my friend mail to come back, cause course didn't finish - well we finished the course - we are not going back there :P).
Weather was perfect !!! I was walking around the city in T-shirt (this is the sentence for all of you, who still have winter) :P So, we went to the museum...

Had fun reading that  :P

Policia door xD

The reason of my headache :|

But my head started to hurt, and Artemis were as much bored as I was -  we went out. Gardens there is pretty nice :P It is fun to visit such a place, in the city center :P And beside for me it is a fun to watch blooming flowers in the February, when in Poland there is still snow and -20 degrees outside :P

And what were you wearing today?

And of February in Porto

Me and the lake :D

Serralves - February 2011

Sheeps, cows and horses :P

Lost in Serralves :P
Later we went to take our picture together in Parque Nasciente (or sth like that - don't remember how to write it correctly xD).
Live long and prosper (partouza forever) !!!

poniedziałek, 28 lutego 2011

Rooster of Portugal - Barcelos :D

And there is almost the end of February, and this is the last post about my trips outside Porto with Artemis :( Time passed to quickly ... But this post won't be about sad stuff, so no worries, I will write here about our adventure :D As we planned our trips, we put Vigo firstly, but finally decided that we will go to Barcelos - hometown of portugueses rooster :D Some of our friends were like saying that the city is not worth trouble, but we were stubborn and despite negative comments went there :P We bought tickets to Barcelos, but we had to switch in Nine ... and there we had 3 hours break, cause no one said that they cancelled one of trains :| So we went for coffee with Artemis.

Goodies for long break :D

A break to learn some portuguese xD

And when we ended up in the city, we thought that our friends were right :| The city near train station, didn't make good impression on us ... But Artemis and me decided to go anyway, and we were suprised positivly by historical center - climat of place was amazing, and we had fun taking  pictures with roosters :D

Historical center

One of many roosters in the city :D

Me and rooster xD
After taking pictures with roosters we went further with Artemis, near the river - the view was pretty. But our bellies were empty so we decided to have some lunch - we picked up lovely restaurant with the veiw of river :D

River :D

Lunch :D
And with our bellies full, we went down the river - so Artemis could walk in freezing water, to discover lovely abandoned building and just have fun :D

View to our restaurant xD


Artemis in water - washing feet :P

Well, I didn't wash feet :P

Lovely destroyed and abandoned building :D
After that we went back to train station, cause we were tired and wanted rest a bit at Breiner House :D But on our way, we saw nice things too :P The biggest rooster in the city :D

Big, big rooster :D

Me and big rooster :D

And with that positive vibe I end this message :D Soon I will write about Serralves - my last trip with Artemis inside Porto...
Live long and prosper :D
Partouza forever xD

sobota, 26 lutego 2011

Summary of 6 months ...

More or less half a year passed like one minute of my erasmus adventure in Porto. Was it good, or was it bad ??? Well, when it comes to erasmus experience the answer can be only one: OF COURSE IT WAS AMAZING !!! Other than that answer is wrong. During that time I've met awesome people, had crazy time at parties and visited beautiful places :D And here are pictures that capture those moments :D I've had hard while I was trying to pick ones, cause I have around 19 GB of pictures and movies on my computer :P I would never imagine that I can take some many pictures :P No wonder, why they laugh that I have japanese syndrom ...

Last moments in Poland

During my first trip :D

My first francesinha in Porto xD

Ribeira - black tangues time xD

First big party at Breiner House - and me 5 kilos less :D

Not the first, but one of first times at Piolho :D

In the capital city of Portugal - Lisboa 2010

One of parties with Erasmus from Poznań :D

Kitch party at Breiner - half of it I don't remember xD

Christmas Party at Breiner with crazy portugueses :D

Xmas dinner :D

Don't ask, don't coment - trip to Coimbra

During one of trips with Artemis :D

Douro trip :P

Me and dolphins :D

Erasmus - time to meet your heroes :P

B52 - forever
And what I wish to happen in next 5 months - well, of course I want to have fun, meet new people, stay in touch with people that ended their Erasmus adventure, visit new places, and still have patience to maintain this blog :P